It is reported by RBC-Ukraine.
The occupiers appointed the deputy head of government of the Kaliningrad region Sergey Eliseyev as the head of the "cabinet of ministers" of the Kherson region.
He also previously served in the FSB.
Two more positions in the new "government" were given to former russian officials.
To recap, as Rubryka reported earlier, according to British intelligence, russia planned to annex the Kherson region by autumn.
"Russian-backed officials have said they will hold a referendum on Kherson Oblast joining the Russian Federation by autumn 2022. Russia is likely prioritizing a pseudo-constitutional vote in an attempt to legitimize its control of the region," the ministry said.
According to the update, despite the arrest of Kherson Mayor Ihor Kolykhaiev on June 28, 2022, widespread armed and peaceful resistance continues across occupied areas.
"Kherson is the region which has been brought under the new Russian occupation most comprehensively since February. Finding a constitutional solution for the occupation is likely a priority policy objective for Russia. It will highly likely be prepared to rig voting to achieve an acceptable result," the ministry said.
Make sure to check out Rubryka's look into the life of the occupied Kherson region.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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