Nowadays there are more and more reports in the news about detonations of farmers and machinery on mines during field processing. Sappers suggest it will take 5-7 years to fully demine the areas, but the agricultural sector can't wait for that long. Therefore, more technological and environmental alternatives are attracting more attention.
A drone sprayer is one of them. Agrodrone is an unmanned aerial vehicle used for watering fields, fertilizing, and processing sowing with herbicides. It can also be used for applying special insects to fields for pest control and fog generation.
Drones are used for spraying crops, which is one of the most important stages in cultivation. Traditional ground sprayers cope with work well, but the drone is a more convenient, economical, and modern option.
Some farmers have already bought their own agrocopters, although there is also an AirFarming service company that provides drone spraying services. The main advantage of these sprayers is the ability to apply CPP from the drone meanwhile more traditional equipment can't perform work in the field, especially after rain, when ground equipment has to ride out for a while, also at night, gusts of wind or its low temperatures. This is what can always guarantee timely crop processing.
Agrodrones working in the air are a complete solution to the problem of trampling because ground equipment has this disadvantage more or less. Also, this sprayer doesn't damage plants with wires, because it works at a distance.
These copters not only save time and fuel but also make field cultivation much more efficient, as one such sprayer can process about 100 hectares of land per day. The use of sprayer drones reduces the use of active substances by 30% and water by 95%.
With drone assistance, you can carry out local processing in a small area. When a particular part of the crop lags behind in development or needs more protection from weeds, the copter can treat the area.
Despite the fact that drones have a higher level of processing efficiency, they will cost farmers much cheaper than ground self-propelled sprayers. The drone with all the necessary equipment will cost about $50 thousand, while ground equipment for spraying costs on average from $230 thousand to $250 thousand. Agrodrones can also be exploited for other purposes, if necessary.
For example, to track what's going on in a field – crop protection, care for animals on farms. Thanks to such observations, you can always be aware of the state of your crop, find and neutralize infected areas. Terrestrial types of monitoring are not that effective and don't cover the entire field area.
At the same time, the copters have good maneuverability and are easy to operate
They function on special software, so the pilot only needs to enter coordinates, indicate obstacles, altitude, and other characteristics. Manual control of the drone is carried out only in some cases.
With the right approach to this device, you can open dozens of different features for your farm, which will only increase the efficiency of your production.
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