Maxar Technologies reports on Twitter.
The head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak, also commented on these images and assured that the Ukrainian authorities would seek the liberation of all Ukrainian territories from aggressors.
"This is what the fields in Donetsk and Luhansk regions look like today.
Pictures of Maxar Technologies published in the media worldwide showed the intensity of the fighting when the ground was littered with shell craters.
Heavy fighting continues there; the russians have a lot of equipment and artillery," Yermak said in a statement.
"Ukraine's goal is the liberation of all our territories. It will be a victory for us. I said this at a meeting with G7 ambassadors, and it is our common position," the President's Office head stressed.
Yermak also noted that the authorities did everything to ensure that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had more weapons. The signing of a defense contract with Poland would strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian army.
Maxar Technologies took on new satellite images on June 6.
They show:
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