Occupation “authorities” in Mariupol are using children for propaganda

russian occupation "authorities" in Mariupol are forcing educators to record propaganda videos involving children.

It was announced by the adviser of the Mariupol's mayor Petro Andryushchenko on Telegram.

"The occupation authorities of the city instructed teachers, workers of children's centers, and kindergartens (which resumed work) to provide a video of the children singing the anthem of the russian federation and the "young republics" (ed. the DNR and LNR) on "russia day" on June 12," Andryushchenko said.

According to the Mariupol mayor's adviser, the russians will actively distribute videos with Ukrainian children and teachers who allegedly "welcome" russia.

"The videos will be widely distributed to confirm the joy of russia's arrival with a flash mob "we have been waiting for eight years," Andryushchenko said.

At the same time, if they refuse to cooperate with the occupiers and follow their instructions, teachers face arrest and exclusion of their families from the lists for humanitarian aid.

"Forcing children to propaganda, what other measures of Nazism will the russians invent in Mariupol for the sake of the picture?" Petro Andryushchenko emphasizes.

We will remind that Mariupol's mayor adviser earlier told how the city lived in occupation: the amount of humanitarian aid diminished, and people must register at least two days in advance to get water.

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