Mass grave: about 200 bodies found under the rubble of a high-rise building in Mariupol

In Mariupol, about 200 bodies were found during the dismantling of a high-rise building

Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of the Mariupol mayor's adviser, Petro Andriushchenko.

"Mariupol. Graveyard. When dismantling the rubble of a high-rise building near the suburban gas station-2 on Myra Ave.

Andriushchenko says residents refused to collect and pack the dead bodies, so the russian emergency service left the worksite.

According to the adviser, the victims' bodies remained in place, and now people can feel the stench almost throughout the block because of partially dismantled debris.

Andriushchenko also added that the reburial from the courtyards of high-rise buildings had stopped in the city.

"Currently, the so-called 'Ritual State Corporation' from Donetsk is performing burial and exhumation works.

But one needs to wait in line for 'official' free reburial, bring the body of the deceased to the 'morgue,' say it has just been found, or agree to record a video where one needs to say that the Ukrainian army killed the deceased," Andriushchenko said.

Mariupol mayor's adviser added that people packed many corpses in a makeshift morgue near the Metro on the street because of the conditions. Thus, Mariupol has now become an endless cemetery.

As reported by Rubryka, the satellite recorded a mass grave in the russian-occupied village of Manhush, less than 20 kilometers from Mariupol.

Up to 9 thousand Mariupol residents may be buried in this grave.

"The occupiers are again trying to hide the scale of the genocide in Mariupol. They are disguising the huge mass grave in Manhush with 'plaques.' So far, it's awful," the Mariupol City Council wrote.

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