Zelenskyy doesn’t want “patchwork umbrellas” for Ukraine in the security agreement

In the new security document, the content is important, especially the range of partner countries, and therefore detailed, balanced work is being done on it.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated this during a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Kiril Petkov in Kyiv, Ukrinform reports.

"After the non-functioning Budapest Memorandum, I, just like the President and guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine, would not like any patchwork umbrellas for our state. Sometimes it is better to have nothing and know that you are one on one with the enemy than to have a large circle of friends-partners who in fact will not protect you. This time we are very serious about that future document and especially very balanced about the circle of partner countries that should not let us down in any case and any future aggression. And everything can be in the future," the President said.

He stressed that despite the fact that today it was important for us to resolve the issue of modern war with the russian federation and restore its territorial integrity, we already understand that we are not just with such neighbors, and therefore it is "a fundamental agreement, fundamental obligations that countries, security guarantors, can take on."

At the same time, Zelenskyy did not reveal in detail the content of the future agreement.

"I can't just describe it in two, three, four words because this agreement and these guarantees are more substantive, more powerful than just words. Behind these words, no matter what anyone says, there are human lives. That is why we are fundamentally approaching this agreement," he stressed.

The President confirmed that the agreement was being prepared and that security advisers or representatives of certain leaders of the future circle of security guarantors gather and discuss issues at various levels online and offline.

"And soon, when everything is ready, I think that our society, our journalists, everyone will see the details of future agreements. Believe us, we want to get the maximum for our state, for our Motherland, and for our people. Maximum. And they will be, these guarantees, they will be both united and individual, they will definitely be different. But still, I would like you and me to wait for the result that has already been thought out, spoken about, and supported by the support of certain leaders," Zelenskyy summed up.

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