She said this at a joint press conference with the prime ministers of Latvia and Estonia, European Pravda reports.
Šimonite recalled her impressions from the trip to Kyiv and Borodianka on April 11.
"What I saw with my own eyes shocked me, any intelligent person with a heart and conscience could not help but be shocked by this. The real face of the 'russian world' is the mass graves, shattered children's dreams, shot houses, ruins… In Ukraine, there is now a struggle between good and evil, between tyranny and freedom, a war for the future of the world, and of Europe in particular. That is why this struggle concerns each of us. Until evil is defeated, we have no right to fatigue, we have the right to be indifferent," Šimonite said.
She stressed the need for efforts to bring to justice those involved in war crimes, talking about Lithuania's contribution to this work and the reception of Ukrainians who went abroad because of the war.
Ingrida Simonite stressed that Europe's fatigue and apathy were now the kremlin's best allies, and the effect of the first sanctions is already beginning to bear fruit. "It is very important to continue to increase pressure on russia, expand sanctions, agree on sanctions against the energy sector at the EU level, refuse to cooperate and disconnect all russian and Belarusian banks from SWIFT, and completely ban propaganda media," she said.
Simonite said that the prime ministers also discussed Ukraine's European perspective at the meeting.
"In my opinion, Ukraine proves every day that it deserves to be a member of the European family and, in fact, pays the highest price for its desire to be in it," said the Lithuanian Prime Minister.
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