This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the evening report.
In particular, in the Donetsk and Tavria directions, fighting took place along the entire line of contact.
During the day, the enemy carried out assault operations in the direction of the city of Sloviansk, and established itself in the village of Lozove. In the areas of Zelena Dolyna and Kreminna, the enemy continues to consolidate its occupied positions, regroup and prepare for offensive operations.
The enemy strengthened the grouping of troops by moving individual units of the 41st General Army of the Central Military District from the territory of the russian federation. Unsuccessfully trying to gain a foothold in the village of Rubizhne.
In the area of Popasna, the enemy carried out assault operations in the direction of the settlement of Novotoshkivske and deep into the settlement of Popasna, without success. Established in the central part of the village Stepne.
In the Avdiivka and Kurakhove areas, the occupiers tried to carry out assault operations, but without success.
In the Mariupol direction, the enemy continued to launch airstrikes on Mariupol and blockade our units in the Azovstal area.
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