Poll: 80% of Ukrainians take pride in their country

As of today, 80% of Ukrainians say they are proud of their country.

That's according to a survey conducted by the Rating Sociological Group on Wednesday, April 6

The results of the survey showed a significant increase in the share of those who take pride in their nation. In August 2021, 34% of people said they were proud of the state (then the sad emotion about Ukraine prevailed). At present, the sense of pride dominates at 80%.

The sad feelings about Ukraine are expressed by 32% of respondents, while 20% are happy, 16% – afraid, 11% – angry, and 6% – curious.

Such emotions as indifference and shame are almost absent among the respondents presently.

The feeling of pride in Ukraine is dominant among all respondents, regardless of age or region. Citizens in central Ukraine feel a little bit happier (the poll was run as some central regions were being liberated from Russian troops). Joy is also a more common emotion in Ukraine among younger people. At the same time, fear for Ukraine today is most often recorded among the people living in the country's east.

Since August 2021, the share of respondents who identify as citizens of Ukraine has increased dramatically (from 75% to 98%) and as Europeans – from 27% to 57%.

However, fewer respondents refer to themselves as "Soviet people" as their number has decreased from 21% to 7%. A high level of local patriotism is being registered.

Civic self-awareness currently dominates all age and regional groups. Regarding pro-European self-identification, there are practically no differences in age fractions. At the same time, there are some differences in macro-regions: European identification is somewhat more prevalent in the West and in the Center of the country. Pro-USSR identity is relatively more common among senior citizens, sociologists say.

The survey involved 1,200 Ukrainians aged 18 and older in all regions, except the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The sample is representative by age, gender, and type of settlement. Survey method: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews). Error of representativeness of the study with a confidence level of 0.95 is within 2.8%.

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