The Guardian reported this.
At the same time, Britain's representative to the UN Barbara Woodward said that Britain was ready to "play a role" in the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and ensure peace if Kyiv asks for it.
Raab was wary of the prospect of Britain acting as an independent guarantor of Ukraine's security if it declared itself neutral under a peace deal with Moscow.
"It will depend on what we are talking about. We have made it clear that we are not going to enter into a direct military confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is not a member of NATO," he said.
"We will look very carefully at everything President Zelenskyy says. But I do not think we are going to unilaterally copy NATO's commitments to NATO members," he added.
Ukraine has proposed an agreement on security guarantees. If Russia and the guarantor countries agree on this agreement, it could be a diplomatic end to the war.
The document will prescribe security guarantees for Ukraine, which will be identical in content and form to NATO's 5 articles. That is, if Ukraine is the object of any aggression, military attack, or military operation, the guarantor countries must gather consultations within three days to resolve the conflict.
If these consultations do not lead to a diplomatic end to the conflict, the guarantor countries must do everything possible to restore Ukraine's security. We are talking about the supply of weapons, closing the sky, and so on.
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