Azov explained why defenders didn’t leave Mariupol

Sviatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the Azov Regiment, explained why Ukrainian defenders didn't leave Mariupol when the situation there became too difficult, despite the fact that Volodymyr Zelenskyy allowed them to do so.

This is stated in a video address by Palamar.

"We are being asked if it is true that we were asked to leave the city.

Did we really give up because we didn't want to leave our dead and wounded? I will answer: And what, in your opinion, should the Ukrainian military do?

I emphasize: we will continue to protect the city, every house, every street. We will do everything to save our wounded and bury our slain soldiers. We hear that it is unsuccessful to fight the overwhelming forces in the ratio of 1 to 10, without aircraft and more… ground artillery, forces that are ten times superior to ours, in the full encirclement.

We are asked about the possibility of unblocking. Remember Prince Sviatoslav, remember the feat of Bolbochan and others: the determination and professionalism of commanders; this is what is most valued during the war. The enemy shows us pictures of the captured neighborhoods in Mariupol. At the same time, our defenders continue to kill the occupier and destroy his equipment. I emphasize: the struggle for the city continues.

But as always, I draw attention to the humanitarian catastrophe and genocide against the local population by the occupiers. World, wake up at last because every day of procrastination is the life of hundreds of civilians!" he said.

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