Bombing of Mariupol Drama Theater killed about 300 people

As a result of the bombing of the Drama Theater in Mariupol, about 300 people died.

This was reported by the Mariupol City Council, citing eyewitnesses.

"Unfortunately, we are starting this day with bad news. Eyewitnesses have reported that a Russian plane bombing the Mariupol Drama Theater killed about 300 people. I do not want to believe in the horror of the latter. I want to believe that everyone survived. But the words of those who were inside the building at the time of this terrorist act say the opposite.

The Drama Theater in the heart of Mariupol has always been the city's calling card. A place of meetings, dates, a point of reference. 'Where are you? I'm at Drama.' How many times have we heard or said this phrase: At Drama.

Now there is no more Drama. In its place appeared a new point of pain for Mariupol, the ruins of which became the last refuge for hundreds of innocent people.

The drama theater was cynically destroyed by the heralds of the Russian world. These 21st-century fascists were not stopped either by the huge inscription CHILDREN or by the statements of the people themselves that there are only peaceful people: women, children, the elderly. The occupier knew where he was hitting. He knew what the consequences might be, and yet the bombs fell on a place that became a refuge for hundreds of Mariupol residents. There can be no explanation for this inhuman cruelty. As never before, there will be forgiveness for those who have brought destruction, pain, and suffering to our home.

We will be able to rebuild our homes, but we will never get back our friends, neighbors, family, and loved ones. Bright be the memory to all innocent victims of the mad war waged against Ukraine by the aggressor country, the terrorist country Russia," the statement reads.

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