Zelenskyy: Politicians must also support freedom. We look forward to serious steps from NATO, the EU, and G7

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the world to take part in actions in support of Ukraine during the war with Russia

He stated this in a video message, Rubryka reports.

"All polls show that the peoples of Europe and America support us.

I am grateful to all of you for that. Grateful on behalf of Ukraine. Everyone in the European Union, the United States, Canada, Britain, and other countries for our support. For the support of freedom. With the support of Ukraine.

On March 24, three important summits will take place in Brussels, Europe. Important for the safety of each of us. NATO Summit. EU Summit. G7 Summit.

I'm sure people will show how they support us. But politicians must also support freedom. All of them. They must support the struggle for life.

We are waiting for serious steps. From NATO, the EU, and the G7.

We know that the Russians have already begun to lobby their interests. These are the interests of war. We know that they work with some partners. We know they want to put an end to this. The topic of the fight against war. But the war must be extinguished.

These three summits will be our strong position. At these three summits, we will see: who is a friend, who is a partner, and who is sold and betrayed.

Life can be protected only in unity. Freedom must be armed.

The Ukrainian sky has not been made safe from Russian missiles and air bombs. We did not receive planes and modern anti-missile weapons. We did not receive tanks, anti-ship weapons.

Russian troops can still kill thousands of our people, destroy our cities. Simply because there are a lot of occupiers. Simply because Russia has been preparing for this disgraceful war for decades.

We asked to close our sky. And we asked for NATO assistance to be effective and unrestricted for Ukraine. Any support with weapons we need. We asked the Alliance to declare that it will fully assist Ukraine in winning this war, clearing our territory of invaders, and restoring peace in Ukraine.

"Together, we must prevent Russia from breaking into someone in NATO, the EU, or the G7. Breaking and dragging to the side of the war. We will see on March 24," he said.

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