The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova emphasized this during the national telethon, Espreso.Zakhid reports.
"The entire world needs to understand who the Nazis are in this country. Not the civilians who suffer are the Nazis but those who come, occupy, rob, kill, rape. We are still working separately on the cases that are sexual crimes. "It's an unpleasant topic, but we need to talk about it as well. And what we see are horrible stories that will continue for more than a year, for the rehabilitation of these people and so on," Venediktova said.
According to her, law enforcement agencies need statements from victims, and now it is difficult to obtain information from victims in the occupied territories. These are, in particular, Kyiv, Sumy regions, and others.
"We need a legally sound basis for us to start moving in the criminal and medical spheres. We need help from people, both physical and psychological," added Iryna Venediktova.
The Prosecutor General also noted that so far prosecutors are focused on proceedings related not only to war crimes but also to such categories as treason, spies, saboteurs, and more.
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