Suspilne published a fragment of his interview.
"The answer is very simple. We all already understand. We are not accepted [to NATO] because they are afraid of Russia. That's all. And we need to calm down, say, 'Okay, other security guarantees.' There are NATO countries that want to be security guarantors, which, unfortunately, cannot give us 100% membership in the Alliance, but are ready to do everything that the Alliance would have to do if we were its members. And I think this is a normal compromise," the head of state said.
According to Zelenskyy, the issues of security guarantees will be constitutional changes and changes in Ukrainian legislation, Suspilne reports.
"I explained to all the negotiating groups; when you talk about all these changes, and they can be historic, we will go nowhere, we will come to a referendum. The people will have to say and respond to certain formats of compromises. But what they will be is a matter of our conversation and understanding between Ukraine and Russia. Therefore, in any case, I am ready to do anything if my move is accepted by our people," the President stressed.
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