This was announced during a telethon by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov.
"What we understand and what our intelligence gives: today we are talking about Lithuania. The Russian Federation doesn't intend to stop. They have the following goal; if they have a victory, God forbid, in our territory, then the next country that Putin wants to seize is Lithuania," he said.
Danilov said that the Baltic states and Poland would follow.
"It will all depend on how NATO behaves. Today, NATO's behavior is a little surprising. They believe that they will escape this fate. The security of not only Europe but also NATO countries on the European continent is on our shoulders today. We understand that we are asking for help. We have no desire to fight, we are ready to fight ourselves. Give us modern weapons so that we can destroy the enemy. This is the only thing we are asking for today," he said.
Earlier, Borrell said that Russia could expand its military activities against one of the NATO countries.
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