This is stated in a statement on the official website of the National Bank.
You can do this in a bank branch, having a passport, or through payment devices with the function of accepting cash, self-service terminals, ATMs with the function of accepting cash.
According to the NBU, Ukrainians abroad can pay non-cash for goods and services using payment cards issued by Ukrainian banks, as well as withdraw the necessary amounts in cash in the foreign currency of the host country.
Conversion of such transactions will take place at the rate set by the Ukrainian issuing bank (and not at the cash exchange rate).
"Citizens who left the country with a cash hryvnia have faced the impossibility of exchanging it for currency or are forced to make such exchanges for almost nothing. The National Bank understands this problem and is already working to resolve it with central banks of neighboring countries," Chairman of the National Bank Oleksii Shaban said.
The NBU did not set any restrictions on non-cash payments, including limits on the number of transactions using payment cards abroad.
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