The national television and radio station LRT reported this.
"We must help Ukraine in all possible ways, including military ones. If we want to avoid World War III, we must do so now. Russia is a long-term threat to NATO allies and Europe's security in general. This threat will continue regardless of the end of the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We must seriously prepare for the defense," Nauseda said.
The President thanked for the consistent and long-standing support of the United States for Lithuanian statehood, for its leadership in creating a vision of a secure and free Europe, and for the military support provided by the United States to Lithuania.
The meeting discussed the need to increase defense capabilities in the Baltic region, including air defense, and stressed the importance of strengthening the US military presence in Lithuania and the Baltic States.
According to the head of state, in the face of the Russian military threat, the strategy of effective deterrence is no longer enough, it must be replaced by a strategy of full readiness for defense.
Lithuania is ready to accept rotating US forces on a permanent basis, as well as additional US troops, providing the necessary support from the host country.
Nauseda stressed that it was very important for Lithuania to continue to develop a strategic partnership with the United States in the field of security and defense, to ensure the rapid implementation of its obligations in the field of national defense.
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