Russia’s strike in Kharkiv center: at least 10 people killed and more than 20 injured, State Emergency Service reports

As a result of a cruise missile strike on the central square in Kharkiv, at least 10 people were killed, more than 20 were injured, and 10 people were rescued from the rubble.

This was reported by the State Emergency Service.

"Work is underway to clear the debris. The stairwell and corridors on all floors have been completely destroyed," the Telegram said in a statement.

On the morning of March 1, the Russian military launched a rocket attack on the central part of Kharkiv.

According to the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anton Herashchenko, a big explosion took place near the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration on Svobody Square.

Russia and its armed forces haven't commented on the shelling in Kharkiv. Despite the direct invasion, the Kremlin denies any intentions to occupy Ukraine and says the goal of the invasion is "demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine."

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy called Russia a "terrorist state" after the rocket attack on the center of Kharkiv. He stated that "this is terror against the city, terror against Kharkiv, terror against Ukraine."

It was on this day, March 1, 2014, that pro-Russian forces in Kharkiv temporarily seized the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

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