He said this at a briefing after a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council on Thursday, December 30, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"On May 20-25, at an NSDC meeting, we may have the first oligarchs who will be determined through the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council, in accordance with our legislation," Danilov said.
As was reported earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sees the launch of the law on the fight against oligarchs as one of the most important events next year.
"In May 2022, there will be a clear red line – for those who have believed since the 1990s that the state is their personal property. The anti-oligarchs law will come into force. This is the most powerful step to de-shadow economic and political relations in Ukraine," he said.
Zelensky warned oligarchs that he would "not forgive" them their "conspiracies and schemes."
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