On December 7, 2021, the founders of 20 relevant digital tools gathered at one event – the Digital Anti-Corruption Conference. Here were presented 20 different tools through which every citizen of the country can check the actions of the government, in particular to prevent and combat corruption. You can learn more about the conference here.
And we will talk about the tools that were presented during the conference and which will definitely come in handy. The conference was attended by Mykhailo Fedorov (Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine) and Ats Kubarsepp (Chairman of the Bureau for Combating Corruption of the Central Criminal Police in Estonia). You can learn more about the conference here. And we will talk about the tools that were presented during the conference and which will be useful to journalists, public figures, government officials, as well as anyone who wants to control the actions of the government.
By the way, Estonia is one of the most progressive countries in Europe when it comes to digital tools, including control of government tools. And the experience of Estonia is especially useful for Ukraine, which is also among the leaders in Europe in terms of the pace of development of digital tools. So, we tell you what Estonians and Ukrainians presented – here is the TOP of anti-corruption tools.
Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), Ukraine (https://brdo.com.ua/) is a leading independent think tank in the field of economic regulation with a focus on implementation. The office was established in 2015 as a non-governmental non-profit organization to assist the government in carrying out medium- and long-term economic reforms to improve the business environment in conditions of political instability.
Digitalization as a tool to combat corruption in certain policy areas
OpenUp, Ukraine (www.openup.org.ua) helps to create a request for freedom of information in the form of open data, a complaint to the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and a statement of claim to appeal against the illegal refusal to provide data.
Prozorro.Sales, Ukraine (www.prozorro.sale). The online auction system builds a whole infrastructure for the management of state and municipal property, which allows you to assess the size of the market, see trends and markets, track the progress of auctions, see the prices at which various state property is sold or leased.
CoST Ukraine — Portal of public open data of infrastructure projects "Transparent infrastructure", Ukraine https://portal.costukraine.org/. The module aims to increase transparency and accountability in infrastructure construction and reduce inefficient governance and corruption in this area.
Hidden Interests, Україна (https://interes.shtab.net/). The tool is the first digital tool to identify the hidden interests of civil servants, which is used by the staff of the National Agency Corruption Prevention to search for possible links that may indicate a conflict of interest. The algorithm finds possible corrupt connections between people and companies, checks risky gifts and identifies 11 types of potential risks, using information from open sources.
YouControl, Ukraine (www.YouControl.com.ua). YouControl allows the user to see the history and connections of contractors. You can quickly determine the degree of risk of cooperation with them.
Party Gold, Ukraine (https://zp.chesno.org/). The Party Gold is the only source of open data on the financing of political parties and election campaigns in Ukraine.
Roadmap to fight corruption with open data, Ukraine (www.fightcorruption.opendatacharter.net/). These tools help the various OGP stakeholder forums understand whether they have all the information, participants and policies they need to jointly create open data on anti-corruption commitments for their National Action Plan.
Digital tools from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Georgia, Romania, Moldova and EU digital tools were also presented at the conference.
More details about the conference – here: https://dacc.org.ua/
More details about each of the tools – here: https://dacc.org.ua/programa/
The conference was funded by the European Union and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
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