The conference discussed the parallels between the development of equality in Ukraine and the UAE, the expansion of women's rights in an era of social distancing; gender equality as a factor of economic and social development, etc., Rubryka reports.
In recent decades, the UAE has made great strides in implementing gender equality. For example, if in the 70s of the 20th century only a little more than 30% of women in the country were educated, now this figure reaches more than 95 percent. The UAE government is currently promoting women's occupations.
Speakers at the conference included, for example, Dr. Rasha Al-Duri, Director General of Abu Dhabi Medical Center; Lt. Col. Maryam Al-Mansuri, the first female pilot in the UAE; Dr. Maryam Matar, the chairperson of the UAE Association of Genetic Diseases, and the UAE Ambassador to the Netherlands Hiss Al-Otayba. The ambassador's wife, Sheikh Salem, was also one of the speakers.
Other speakers included Batkivshchyna party and faction leader Yulia Tymoshenko, Deputy Head of the Office of the President Yulia Sokolovska, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for European Integration Valeria Ionan, and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Meri Akopian.
The friendly relations between Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates were not forgotten. Ambassador Al-Kaabi noted the UAE's desire to increase ties between the countries and Ukraine's success at the World Expo 2020, which is currently taking place in Dubai.
"Ukraine's participation in the EXPO has already brought it more than 5 million visitors in just 60 days. This is, of course, a positive impact on Ukraine's relations with the world," said Salem Ahmed Al-Kaabi.
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