Photo: OPU
The Office of the President reported this.
Andrii Sybiha praised the dynamics of the bilateral political dialogue between Ukraine and Switzerland. In particular, the importance of the recent meeting of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy with the Vice President, Head of the Federal Department for Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis, was noted.
"We appreciate the close political cooperation with the Swiss party and the successful development of trade, economic, and investment cooperation between our countries," Andrii Sybiha said.
The parties discussed in detail the practical issues of preparation for the Fifth International Conference on Reforms in Ukraine, to be held in the Swiss city of Lugano on July 4-5, 2022.
Photo: OPU
It was stressed that the conference will be one of the key international events next year for both Switzerland and Ukraine. There was an exchange of views on the content and theme of the conference, as well as possible additional elements that may be organized by the parties at this site.
The parties agreed that the World Economic Forum, which will be held in late January 2022 in Davos, is an excellent platform for a thematic event dedicated to the Conference on Reforms in Ukraine.
"We are determined to do everything to make the conference a joint success of Ukraine and Switzerland," Andrii Sybiha stressed.
Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue close coordination in preparation for the Fifth International Conference on Reforms in Ukraine.
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