This is stated on the website of the Koblevo united territorial community.
"New artificial islands for nesting birds are being built in the Tylihul estuary. After the successful construction of the first 500 square meters of platforms in the spring of this year and the positive results of the August bird count, DTEK and the Tylihulskyi Regional Landscape Park have continued this eco-project," the statement said.
It is noted that the construction of new shelters for birds is done because natural nesting sites are often flooded, and birds are not able to produce offspring.
For the construction of islands, the workers choose a sufficient depth of the reservoir. Wooden columns are installed, and reed bushes, hay or straw are used for flooring.
The process of building bird nesting islands will be completed by the end of November this year.
Environmentalists claim that among the potential future inhabitants of these artificial islands, two birds are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: a pied avocet and a black-winged stilt. The rest is protected by international conventions.
The Tylihul Liman is a nesting place for many rare birds, including those listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and the European Red List. But even in potentially favorable conditions for the reproduction of many species of birds in Tylihul Park, there is a shortage of natural habitats and low success of their nesting.
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