ATO/JFO participants and their families will be given tours for free in Khmelnytskyi region

In the Khmelnytsky region, free tours of the "Historical Trails of Podillia" will be conducted for participants of the anti-terrorist operation/joint forces operation and their families.

This was reported by ArmyInform.

"We have developed our own tourist route, Historical Trails of Podillia. It includes about two dozen interesting and informative routes with different time lengths and distances in kilometers. They reveal the rich historical heritage of our region, from ancient times to the present," said Dmytro Kazantsev, head of the Podillia-Prostir Historical and Artistic Formation public organization.

According to him, tours for combatants and their families will be free.

It is noted that such excursions are an element of psychophysical rehabilitation of participants in the Russian-Ukrainian war, veterans and active servicemen, as well as their families.

Trips within the tourist path "Historical trails of Podillia" will begin next year.

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