This was published by L'Officiel, Rubryka reports.
It is produced in a wide variety of colors and textures. The Marsala collection will include 20 models that the brand will present next spring.
Maria Maslii, a designer, has been searching for alternative and more environmentally friendly materials for four years. For example, the brand tried to sew pineapple leather shoes, but they didn't suit them.
Then Maria and her team started producing cactus leather shoes. It turned out to be quite difficult to work with such materials. After many attempts, the brand managed to create not only environmentally friendly but also beautiful and comfortable models of sandals.
Photo: officiel-online.comThis is not the first year that the Ukrainian brand Marsala has emphasized sustainable development. The team customizes most orders, as well as creates classic designs that will not go out of fashion for a long time.
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