Ukraine introduces European requirements for baby food

The regulatory framework governing the certification, production, sale, and advertising of baby food in Ukraine will be brought into line with European legislation.

This is provided by the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Concerning Bringing Legislation of Ukraine in the Sphere of Baby Food into Compliance with EU Legislation" (№4554), adopted on October 21 in the second reading, supported by 273 people's deputies, Ukrinform reports.

The document strengthens the requirements for safety and certain quality indicators of food intended for children under three years of age. In particular, stricter requirements are set for milk used for baby food.

It is forbidden to use flavorings, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, and other substances that may affect its safety and quality.

Separate labeling is introduced for varieties of such food: "infant formula," "infant formula for further feeding," "baby food" and so on.

After the law comes into force, the labels of all products intended for feeding infants won't have "gluten-free," "very low in gluten," "suitable for people with gluten intolerance," "suitable for people with celiac disease" and so on.

According to the authors of the legislative initiative, the use of gluten-containing ingredients for such foods is generally prohibited.

It will also ban the advertising of "infant formulas" and "infant formulas for further feeding" in most media; this can only be done in specialized publications with a scientific basis.

This should reduce the influence of baby food manufacturers on mothers' decisions to stop breastfeeding.

After the signing of the document, the President will recognize the law "On Baby Food," adopted in 2006, as repealed.

As reported, the Verkhovna Rada passed Draft Law №4554 in the first reading on June 30. Earlier, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine asked the Speaker to make the document a priority and facilitate its adoption.

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