This was announced by the press service of the Lviv City Council, Rubryka reports.
"The concept is based on improving the environmental condition of the district and the area around the hospital, preserving existing trees, planting new plants to improve air quality, arranging a functional, modern and comfortable space for hospital staff, its patients and visitors," the organizers said.
The event will be implemented within the international project Greening the Planet at the initiative of the mayor's adviser Iryna Orshak, who noted that the project was a synergy of public organizations, patrons, and the Lviv City Council. Students of the Lviv Law Gymnasium will also join the tree planting.
The planting of the "Health Garden" will take place on October 23.
NGO "Dobro.Diy" has been planting trees twice a year for the ninth year in a row. During this time, more than 8,000 people planted trees in Lviv and the Lviv region.
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