"Law enforcement officers established that the man felt unwell while travelling in a taxi. Ambulance doctors tried to resuscitate him, but pronounced him dead. The police are taking all the necessary investigative measures at the scene to establish the circumstances of the MP's death. The body of the deceased will be sent for a forensic examination, which should determine the cause of death," the statement reads.
Criminal proceedings have been instituted under Part 1 of Article 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal code of Ukraine with a note "Natural death." Investigative actions are underway.
Poliakov was an entrepreneur from Chernihiv. He ran for the Verkhovna Rada on the ticket of the Servant of the People party. He was a member of the Party for the Future group, chairman of the subcommittee on compliance with anti-corruption legislation in the field of reforming the defense industry of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy.
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