He stated this at a press conference in Brussels on October 7 following a North Atlantic Council meeting with National Security Advisers, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"I think it's a bit early now to prejudge exactly what kind of decisions leaders will make at the Summit later on next year. But I'm absolutely confident that Allies will continue to stand by what they have stated before, and that is that we fully support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our close partners, Georgia and Ukraine. We also stand by our decisions when it comes to their aspirations to join NATO. We will continue to provide practical and political support, so they can move towards further Euro-Atlantic integration," Stoltenberg said.
He welcomed the fact that NATO Allies, NATO Allies, both within the NATO framework, but also bilaterally provide support and thereby help both Ukraine and Georgia.
"I met with the President of Ukraine just a couple of weeks ago in New York. We are continuing to strengthen our cooperation and partnership both with Ukraine and Georgia, and then this will be an issue we will address as we prepare for the upcoming summit in Madrid next year," Stoltenberg added.
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