The press service of the Lutsk City Council reported this.
"Lutskvodokanal is the first enterprise among water utilities of Ukraine, which has developed and obtained all the necessary permits for the production, packaging, and sale of organic fertilizer from bio-sludge for agricultural needs," the statement said.
According to the City Council, processing sludge into fertilizer and selling it to agricultural enterprises is a European practice that will now appear in Ukraine as well. This will help solve the problem of processing the sludge that remains at the treatment plant of the enterprise after passing all stages of treatment. The silt maps will be unloaded, and agricultural enterprises will receive safe fertilizer, which significantly increases the yield. Experts have proved the complete safety and high efficiency of this fertilizer.
The mayor's office noted that the Lutsk territorial community would benefit from the recycling process in the first place, as sludge wouldn't accumulate in sewage treatment plants and create a potential danger to the environment.
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