The author of the mural, the famous artist Vitalii Hidevan, announced it.
"On one of the tallest buildings in Kyiv, in the very center of the city, a portal into space appeared, filled with stars…
For 10 days lena_noyna and I painted on the roof of the Gulliver mall. This mural became our 2nd record, at the highest height in Ukraine, 140 m. It has a length of 16.67 m and a height of 8.43 m, which was recorded by an expert," the artist writes.
The energy beam of the flying saucer charges everyone who came on a tour to look at the capital from a bird's-eye view.
"It was one of the most interesting projects for us because we not only worked at great heights but also had the opportunity to observe the life of Kyiv. Cars passing by from below and people seemed like toys.
There was abnormal heat all the time, and a strong wind was blowing for several days. But it didn't prevent us from creating such an interesting mural for excursions of the Tabletochki charity fund (part of the money from the ticket goes to help seriously ill children)," Vitalii Hidevan explained.
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