The representative of the company, Nadia Mykolaienko, announced it, Ukrinform reports.
"We immediately decided that all products should be in environmentally friendly containers, i.e. glass. We abandoned plastic to preserve the environment. Such a simple solution as reusable packaging reduces the plastic load on landfills by 60%," said Mykolaienko.
According to her, manufacturers sell natural thermostatic fermented milk, classic, blueberry and fitness yogurts, which have a shorter shelf life than store-bought, in glass containers.
The only product for which reusable plastic containers are used is oil.
Customers return all containers to manufacturers. It is washed with phosphate-free agents and sterilized for reuse.
Manufacturers also create cheese without the use of rennet, which can be consumed by lacto-vegetarians. In addition, they launched the production of cheese smoked on cherry twigs. Cheeses are wrapped in reusable bags, with paper on top.
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