BGV Group Management Opens A Modern Rural Health Post In Zhytomyr Region

Mining Company of Perha LLC, which is a part of BGV Group Management of Hennadii Butkevych, repaired and opened a new modern rural health post in the village of Perha, Olevsk district, Zhytomyr region.

Due to the efforts of the Mining Company of Perha, the rural health post was overhauled in just three months. Before that, according to the head of the medical institution, patients in the village had to be treated at home because of unsatisfactory working conditions in the rural heath post. The company's funds were used to repair the roof of the medical institution, renovate the premises, install modern electric heating and a water heating boiler, update the house communications, and purchase new furniture and some medical equipment. The total cost of the post's overhaul in the village of Perha was about 1.2 million hryvnias.

"The city council couldn't implement such a project due to lack of funds. Therefore, the entire community is happy that within social agreements and cooperation of our community with the Perha mining company, we managed not only to renovate the local health post but to breathe life into our village in general. Such improvements are essential for the community," said Perha village head Anatolii Khomutovskyi.

"Finally, our people will be able to receive quality medical services and our medical staff will work in comfortable conditions. The Perha mining company gives not only hope, but it also gives life," the deputy mayor of Olevsk Yurii Daniuk added.

Photo: BGV Group Management

The renovated rural health post isn't the first project of the Perha mining company. Over the past three years, the company has implemented several important initiatives under social agreements for the economic and cultural development of the Olevsk United Territorial Community. Thus, at the expense of the Perha mining company, the school was repaired and a computer class was organized in the village of Perha, a heating system was installed in the school of the village of Yurove, the rural health post was renovated, the bridge was repaired and the village of Rudnia Perhanska was equipped. Full street lighting in the village and a playground on the territory of the local kindergarten were installed in Perha, financial assistance was provided to the Olevsk Vocational Lyceum and the Olevsk Museum of Local Lore. The Perha Mining Company also regularly transfers funds to prevent the spread of coronavirus within the region.

The total amount of funds allocated by the company to finance projects under social agreements amounted to more than 6 million hryvnias.

Currently, together with representatives of the local community and the city council, the Perha Mining Company is determining a further strategy and a list of projects that will be funded soon to improve infrastructure and services in the region.


BGV Group Management is an investment company founded in 2015. BGV controls several companies that have licenses for the exploration and production of minerals and metals. The company invests in mining and deposits that contain rare minerals used to develop important modern technologies. The BGV's major activity is gradually developing the country's potential and facilitating Ukraine's transition from a resource economy to an economy of final product production (eg, electric vehicles, lithium batteries, etc.).

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