Koroliov's National Museum of Cosmonautics in Ukraine has made a relevant report on Facebook.
"Andriy and Pavlo Koroliovs, grandson and great-grandson of Serhiy Pavlovych, met with Elon Musk," the report reads.
The meeting took place on September 3, the report reads.
The museum notes that Andriy Koroliov shared his impressions of the encounter on social networks.
"I am incredibly grateful to Elon Musk for the invitation, hospitality, and an unforgettable, almost hour-long, personal meeting. I express my gratitude to Elon's team for an impressive tour of SpaceX and the opportunity to see with our own eyes how engines, rockets, and the CrewDragon are assembled. Keep moving the world forward, Mr. Musk!" wrote the grandson of the prominent designer.
Serhiy Koroliov was born in Zhytomyr in 1907. He became the chief designer of the first space launch vehicles, artificial satellites of Earth, and manned spacecraft.
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