TCG: it’s not lucrative for the United States to enter into negotiations on Donbas

It is not lucrative for the United States to take part in the negotiations on Donbas today, but Ukraine must involve Washington in resolving the conflict.

Serhii Harmash, a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas, spoke about this on the Ukraine 24 TV channel.

"It seems to me that it is costly for the United States to enter the negotiation process, neither the Normandy nor the Minsk. They will not do that. Moreover, I think we have some illusions about the role of the United States. For example, the United States has been part of the Transnistria negotiating group since 1995, and we see the result, and the United States was originally part of the Nagorno-Karabakh working group, and more than 25 years have passed since then, and we see a result that is unfortunately not related to the United States. Therefore, we don't need to cultivate illusions," he said.

Harmash also commented on the idea of ​​US diplomat Kurt Walker to appoint a special representative of the US State Department for Ukraine.

"I agree with him, the United States should be involved not in the negotiation process, but in resolving the conflict as a lobbyist to our Western partners to implement our vision of a settlement," said a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG.

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