The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine announced this on Facebook, Rubryka reports.
Ukraine transported 700 people from Afghanistan and was included in the ranking of European leaders by the number of evacuees. The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine worked on planning the evacuation operation and implementing it.
Our country is in eighth place. In the top three: Great Britain (13,700 people), Germany (5,193), France (2,100).
"We've proved that we're ready to save our citizens regardless of the part of the world… Our efforts didn't go unnoticed; in the Netherlands, all major mass media wrote about the rescue of their citizens by Ukraine, and independent media in Belarus, in connection with the rescue of a Belarusian citizen, called Ukraine a loyal friend of the Belarusian people." On social networks, citizens from Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom set Ukraine as an example and admired the results of our bodies' work," the statement reads.
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