He stated this at the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Ukraine's Image Abroad" presenting Independence Day events, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"On August 23, we are launching a large-scale international promotional campaign about Ukraine on the BBC. We have involved the international creative agency Saatchi & Saatchi and the team of Ukrainian videographer Nazar Dorosh, who prepared a great promotional video about Ukraine," he said.
Kuleba stressed that the project would tell "the BBC's multi-million audience about the country of innovators, engineers, inventors, and creative entrepreneurs."
A special section about Ukraine – "open to partnerships, investments, and international projects" – will also be created in cooperation with the BBC's editorial team.
"The promotional campaign on the BBC will last until November. Although Independence Day will already be celebrated officially, in fact, the holiday will continue around the world," Kuleba said.
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