According to the Ministry of Social Policy, today more than 2 million men and women with disabilities of working age live in Ukraine, only 26% of them have a job. However, what percentage of them hold the position of their dreams or really enjoy the work routine?
The team of the "On equal terms" cross-sectoral project decided to take care of this problem. The initiative was launched at the end of 2020 and is divided into three stages:
"Today in Ukraine we hear very little about people with disabilities. Only a small circle of people from the social sphere knows about their needs and problems. Due to the lack of conditions in the labor market, unsuitable streets and public places, and, as a result, difficulties with integration into society at home, artists, politicians, activists, and scientists are hiding from us at home. It's time to change, cooperate, partner, and strengthen various social institutions and social unity," project manager, sociologist Sofia Lavreniuk, says.
The poll revealed the main barriers that prevent people with disabilities from building the career of their dreams are prejudice at work, inaccessibility of the streets, unsuitability of offices and jobs, personal-psychological barriers. Also, talking to stakeholders, they identified possible options for improving the policies of businesses and organizations on corporate social responsibility.
"I believe that our project will change the lives of many people. It is designed to break down the wall of stereotypes that have long been built in the minds of Ukrainians. It's time to talk about important things, raise difficult issues and find ways to solve them," Zlata Yefimenko, head of "On Equal Terms," said.
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