The issue of the cost of electricity will be considered at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council this week, the head of state said in an interview with a number of TV channels as part of the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Decentralization" in Kyiv on July 28.
"We must do everything possible to avoid raising electricity tariffs for the population. Secondly, this is fake information that from August 1, electricity prices for the population will be higher … Somewhere something is growing at some enterprises, but I would not talk about society as a whole," Zelenskyi noted.
The president said that he had asked to consider this issue at the NSDC meeting this week so that, in his words, "people understand that there will be no surprises for society from August 1."
"My attitude is very simple – UAH 1.68 today [tariff for 1 kWh]. I think we have a layer of the population that cannot afford to pay even UAH 1.68. That is why the National Security and Defense Council will also consider this issue and the possibility of reducing electricity prices for such segments of the population," Zelenskyi stressed.
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