The Office of the President reports.
The agenda of the talks includes security issues: counteraction to the long-term aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, escalation of the situation in the Black Sea region and Donbas, de-occupation of Crimea, strengthening energy security of our country and Europe in general, military and defense cooperation between Ukraine and the United States. The discussion of the Nord Stream-2 project as a security challenge for our country and region will be continued.
"We look forward to tangible agreements on deepening the strategic partnership between our countries in all priority areas of cooperation and coordination of an ambitious package of joint projects and initiatives in the fields of security and defense, trade, investment, energy, climate, agriculture, infrastructure, and digital transformation," the announcement says.
The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Foreign Minister will soon visit Washington to discuss the content of the visit of the President of Ukraine to the United States.
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