From July 21, covid-vaccinations will be available to anyone over 18

The Ministry of Health is starting the fifth stage of COVID-19 vaccination, during which everyone over the age of 18 will be able to get vaccinated.

Health Minister Viktor Liashko stated this at a briefing, Ukrinform reports.

"Ukraine is preparing for a potential increase in the number of coronavirus cases that could be caused by the Delta strain, but one of the best elements of protection is the high level of vaccination coverage… All adults over the age of 18 who want to be vaccinated can be vaccinated from July 21. You can be vaccinated at the nearest vaccination point, a mass vaccination center, or a mobile team can come to you if you're registered as an organized team with more than 50 people," Liashko said.

Vaccinations take place on the basis of 3,127 vaccination rooms, more than 200 vaccination centers, and more than 800 mobile teams.

You can sign up for vaccination by calling the registry office of the vaccination point or contact centers of mass vaccination, as well as there will be a live queue at vaccination centers and vaccination points.

Information about vaccination points and centers and the schedule of their work is posted on the website

Today Ukraine uses 4 vaccines: AstraZeneca (Covishield, SKBio), Comirnaty produced by Pfizer/BioNTech; CoronaVac manufactured by Sinovac Biotech. Modern. Each of them prevents the active course of the disease, some vaccines protect against the Delta strain that circulates in the European region with 90% effectiveness.

Also, according to the Minister, the heads of regional state administrations were instructed to open vaccination centers in each district center, to provide transportation to the centers, to establish cooperation with the heads of territorial communities to vaccinate their residents.

According to the Ministry of Health, as of July 20, 4,179,663  COVID-19 vaccinations were carried out in Ukraine, 1,461,875 people have been fully vaccinated: doctors, educators, military social workers, and others.

In June, almost 4 times more vaccinations were carried out than in May; in 19 days of July, almost as many vaccinations as in the whole of June happened, it's more than 1.5 million.

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