During the briefing, the people's deputy said that he hadn't received the note of suspicion yet, and the day before he and his wife Oksana Marchenko were "in the neighboring region."
He didn't comment on his suspicion note, explaining that he hadn't read it yet, and declared "illegal persecution and political repression" against himself:
"I'm not going to hide from anyone, including all law enforcement agencies. I'm ready to defend myself because I don't feel guilty about anything."
When asked about the deposit in the Black Sea, which, according to police, Medvedchuk handed over to the occupation authorities, the people's deputy said that he didn't know what the deposit was and had nothing to do with it.
The politician called the information that he was handing over data about the Armed Forces to the territory of Russia "absurd."
Medvedchuk also said that he was ready for the arrest and "any result, knowing the government," but saw no reason to do so.
It is worth noting that Medvedchuk managed to take a selfie with another People's Deputy Kiva.
To recap, on May 12, Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova signed the note of suspicion under Art. 111 (treason) of the Criminal Code. She also signed the suspicion of another deputy from OPZZH Dmytro Kozak.
Meanwhile, Medvedchuk's bodyguards didn't let SBU into the building and didn't allow investigators to hand over the note.
At that time, the Servant of the People party responded to Medvedchuk's note of suspicion.
It is currently known that Taras Kozak is in Russia, and Viktor Medvedchuk's whereabouts are being established.
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