He said during a briefing that the Russian president was ready to meet "at any convenient time."
According to Putin, the Ukrainian authorities "have taken many steps that destroy Russian-Ukrainian relations," by which he means "the attitude to the ROC and its destruction," the situation of Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine and Russian citizens in our country.
"If President Zelenskyi wants to restore these relations, we'll only welcome it. The question remains: what do we want to discuss at this meeting? If we're talking about discussing the problems of Donbas, then the leadership of Ukraine should meet with the leaders of the "republics" "LNR" and "DNR" first, and then solve problems with representatives of third countries, such as Russia. And when it comes to the development of bilateral relations, we'll welcome the President of Ukraine in Moscow at any time convenient for him," Putin said.
To recap, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi invited Vladimir Putin to meet in Donbas. The meeting can take place "at any point where there's a war."
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