The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov stated this at a briefing, Ukrinform reports.
"We have a British strain of the virus in Ukraine. It has been recorded throughout the country. Also, during the latest research conducted abroad, where we send samples, a Southern African strain was found in Ukraine.
The difference is that it's more aggressive; the incubation period of 1 to 3 days, so it's more contagious. It infects three times more people than previous strains. It affects a younger population. Therefore, follow all the rules of quarantine restrictions, use masks, antiseptics, avoid any crowds," Stepanov said.
He stressed that the tense situation remained in the regions classified as a red zone.
Thus, almost 84% of beds with oxygen are occupied in Kyiv, which is the highest figure in the country; in the Lviv region, it's more than 71%, in the Zhytomyr region, almost 71%, in the Mykolaiv region, 71%.
According to Stepanov, in Western Ukraine's regions that were the first to fall into the red level of epidemiological danger, the situation is stabilizing, the number of hospitalized is decreasing.
This, according to Stepanov, testifies to the effectiveness of the imposed quarantine restrictions.
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