He wrote about this on his Facebook page.
"I received a positive PCR for covid. I'm in the period when immunity from vaccination is not yet fully formed," Liashko wrote.
He noted that the analysis of clinical trials showed that the effectiveness of the vaccine after a single standard dose is 76% from 22 to 90 days. The level of antibodies is maintained with a minimal decrease during this period.
"I had only 13 days after the vaccination when the symptoms appeared, so the betrayal is canceled. But I'm sure that thanks to vaccination, the course of the disease will pass without complications and I will return to work soon," Liashko said.
Photo: facebook.com/viktor.liashko
Liashko also noted that all COVID-19 vaccines were primarily developed and tested to alleviate the disease without health complications.
The doctor is currently on sick leave until:
1) clinical symptoms of acute respiratory disease are absent within 3 days, starting from 10 days from the date of onset of symptoms without laboratory examination;
2) clinical symptoms of acute respiratory disease are absent within 3 days, starting from 10 days from the date of taking the material (with a positive result for COVID-19 by PCR) without laboratory examination;
3) clinical indications of acute respiratory disease are absent, provided that one result of PCR testing is negative.
It should be noted that Liashko was publicly vaccinated against coronavirus with the Indian vaccine Covishield on March 2.
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