Фото: Reuters
Lada Bulakh, a member of the committee ("Servant of the People" party) announced this on the air of Ukraine 24.
"Our committee does not have a single draft law on medical cannabis today. I have seen at least three options. I cannot answer which one we will work on yet. But I am impressed by the law draft, which not only amends the Ministry of Health resolution on authorizing the use of medical cannabis drugs, and (provides – ed.) a broader solution to this issue. It is amending five existing laws and two codes, the Criminal and Administrative, to give Ukraine the opportunity for independent drug production and use for Ukrainian citizens and even for export," Bulakh said.
To recap, on October 13, Volodymyr Zelenskyi published a video message urging Ukrainians to come to the polls on October 25 and answer five important questions. One of them concerned the legalization of medical cannabis. According to preliminary data, about 65% of respondents answered this question affirmatively.
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