Mass protests in Kyrgyzstan, the “White House” storming, release of the former president, and hundreds of victims: what is happening in Bishkek

In Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, mass protests are happening over the results of the parliamentary elections. Protesters released several imprisoned politicians from the pre-trial detention center and stormed the parliament building and the president's office. Dozens of law enforcement officers were injured while trying to disperse the demonstration.


Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections on Sunday, October 4. Preliminary results suggest that only 3 parties, believed to be linked to the family of President Sooronbay Jeenbekov and the Matraimov family, one of the country's most influential families, have broken the 7% barrier, #Bykvu writes.

Supporters of 11 parties that didn't cross the verge do not agree with the election results. They demand a second ballot.

In the afternoon, citizens went on a protest rally in Ala-Too Square in the center of Bishkek. By the evening, about 6,000 people had gathered according to local publication AKIpress. All this time the demonstrations were peaceful.


At about 8 pm local time, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Internal Affairs appealed to the protesters to disperse.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs calls on the protesters to disperse from Ala-Too Square in Bishkek. Among the protesters, there are people who drink alcohol and try to disturb public order. We remind you that in case of threats to public health or other adverse events, the demonstration organizers, i.e. leaders of several parties and their active members, will bear responsibility. Therefore, we call on the protesters to disperse to ensure the safety of citizens and not to disturb the peace of citizens," the Interior Ministry said.

Closer to 9 p.m., AKIpress writes, some protesters tried to climb over the fence of the "White House" (Joğorku Keñeş), the building where both the Office of the President and the parliament are located.

When most of the demonstrators tried to break the iron gate, police used light and noise grenades and tear gas. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs later confirmed the fact.

"The Interior Ministry called on the protesters to disperse peacefully from Ala-Too Square. However, the protesters and its organizers tried to disrupt public order and block traffic on Chui Avenue. Then they aggressively marched on Chui Avenue and tried to break the iron gate surrounding the Joğorku Keñeş building. They were throwing rocks and tried to pass through the gate. Therefore, to ensure the safety of citizens, and not to disturb the peace of the city, we had to disperse the protesters with special gas and sound equipment and water cannons," the Interior Ministry reported.

The ministry also repeated its call for protesters to disperse and warned that police were on high alert.

Clashes broke out between protesters and police during the crackdown. Protesters entered an active confrontation with law enforcement officers, threw stones at police officers and police cars. The protesters used broken fragments of curbs and marble slabs of the monument to Bishkek baatyr, being built nearby, writes.

One of the demonstration organizers, Janarbek Akayev, a candidate from one of the parties, was injured during the dispersal. After receiving medical treatment, he joined the rally.

According to the Ministry of Health, there were attacks on ambulance staff during the clashes.

Among them, there are some hospitalized people, two cars of the medical service broken, and according to the Bishkek City Hall, six more cars were damaged.

According to the Ministry of Health, almost 600 protesters were injured during the October 5 protests. One of them died of a severe head injury.

According to the agency, as of 8:00 a.m. on October 6 (local time), 590 victims in total were admitted to health care facilities, 439 of whom were sent for outpatient treatment after receiving primary care.

"150 victims with various injuries were hospitalized, 13 of them are in intensive care. 1 victim died," the Ministry of Health reported.

The department does not provide any details about the identity of the deceased or the injuries received.


As a result of the dispersal, the security forces managed to push the protesters away from the "White House" building and the square for some time.

However, soon the protesters returned in even greater numbers and prevailed. Then they broke into the territory of the "White House".

At about 3 o'clock in the morning (midnight Kyiv time), the protesters stormed the "White House". Some of those present went to the "White House", while others intended to go to the State Committee for National Security.

The "White House" building was already empty at that time. The protesters walked around the empty offices. No one interfered with their actions.


The rest of the protesters stormed the building of the State Committee for National Security.

According to media reports, protesters rammed the gates of the building with trucks, while police did not oppose it.


In Kyrgyzstan, protesters managed to secure the release of former President Almazbek Atambayev from a pre-trial detention center, Interfax reports.

They noted that the protesters broke into the territory of the State Committee for National Security of the country, into the pre-trial detention center where Atambayev was held. Special services themselves took him out, as they sided with the activists.

After the president's residence was seized, a fire broke out and several floors were on fire. The opposition took over power in the city and began to form state bodies. Former Deputy Interior Minister Kursan Asanov became Bishkek's interim commandant. Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Omurbek Suvanaliyev became an Acting Chairman of the State Committee for National Security. They are also forming people's guards in the city.

Besides Atambayev, protesters released several other popular opposition members behind bars. They are former people's deputy Sadyr Japarov (found guilty of hostage-taking in 2013) and former Prime Minister Sapir Isakov (convicted of corruption).


Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov has not commented on the protests for a long time. In the morning, his spokeswoman Tolgonai Stamalieva said that the head of state "controls the situation." She also said that Jeenbekov instructed the Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan to analyze the violations in the parliamentary elections and decide until the annulment of their results.

In the morning, Jeenbekov recorded a video message which he posted on Facebook. In the message, he said that "some political forces tried to seize state power illegally" and "violated public order." According to the President of Kyrgyzstan, he ordered the security forces not to open fire on the protesters.

"I call on the leaders of political parties to calm down their supporters and take them away from the places of gathering. I call on all my citizens to keep the peace and not succumb to the calls of provocative forces," Jeenbekov said in a video message.

The Kyrgyz government has issued a press release stating that it is currently operating under a special regime and that government agencies are working to "ensure public safety and law and order." And, according to media reports, the leaders of three of the seven Kyrgyz regions resigned at once: Naryn, Talas (declared support for the protests), and Issyk-Kul regions.

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