Germany and its allies were in talks with Kyiv over future security guarantees in preparation for sustainable peace for Ukraine, Scholz says during a speech in the Bundestag dedicated to the war in Ukraine.
"Is Putin even ready for negotiations on a return to these principles and a just peace? Nothing indicates this at the moment." the Chancellor said.
Germany has upped investments in its own military, unwound its economic ties with russia, and broken its taboos over sending weapons into conflict zones.
Scholz renewed calls for russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine and said president putin was not ready for talks over a "just peace" and an end to the war.
"Nothing suggests Putin would come to the negotiating table at the moment", he added.
Scholz also used the speech to warn China against arming russia in its war against Ukraine, following US claims Beijing was considering such a move. He encouraged the state not to supply weapons to russia.
It is all the more remarkable that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presented proposals for a durable, just peace at the G20 summit in November, Scholz added.
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