17:27 27 Фев 2023

Taiwan to send $59 million humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Taiwan has set aside a special budget of NT$1.8 billion (nearly $59 million) in humanitarian aid for Ukraine this year.

The money would be used to help victims of russia's war and to help rebuild hospitals, schools, churches and infrastructure, Radio Taiwan International reports.

Taiwan's foreign ministry condemned russia's war in Ukraine. Officials said it has led to the displacement of millions of Ukrainians. They added russia has brutally violated global peace and security by initiating the largest military conflict in Europe since World War II.

The state's MFA emphasized that "as a member of the global democratic alliance" throughout the war, Taiwan demonstrated support for the people of Ukraine. So far, Taiwan has donated 27 tons of medical supplies and more than 700 tons of humanitarian aid, totaling more than 41 million dollars.


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